The laughter chain is a viral marketing campaign conducted by Skype. The concept was to link together a chain of people laughing at the previous submission. Hit the read more if you need a good laugh.
Did you know:
- University of Chicago studies show a great sense of humor can add an additional 8 years to your life?
- Stanford University studies show a good belly laugh can give you health boosting benefits equal to 10 minutes on a rowing machine?
- Pre-school children laugh or smile 400 times a day, however, that number drops to only 15 times a day by the time people reach age 35?
- People smile only 35% as much as they think they do?
- Laughter releases endorphins into the body with the same exhilarating effect as doing strenuous exercise?
- Every time you have a good hearty laugh you burn up 3-1/2 calories?
- Laughing increases oxygen intake, thereby replen-ishing and invigorating cells. It also increases the pain threshold, boosts immunity and relieves stress?
- United States workers consume 15 tons of aspirin per day? I am sure that this is not because they feel great about their jobs or work environment.
- Fortune 500 companies such as IBM, AT&T, Lockheed Aircraft, Kodak, Ford Motor Company, General Electric, Southwest Airlines, Bank of America and many others have adopted “humor” into their workplaces as a tool to increase morale and improve the bottom line.
Taken from this forum post.