I tested this on a fresh Mac (High Sierra 10.13.3) and it worked great. However, since the Parrot drones only allow one connection to the drone at a time you will not be able to control the drone while viewing the video. You could use it for auto flying via flight plans though.
Step 1: Install Brew:
Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key.
Run this command in your Terminal app:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
and press enter/return key and wait for the command to finish.
Step 2: Install Required Tools:
Run this command in terminal:
brew install repo bash coreutils gettext pkg-config wget make automake libtool ffmpeg autoreconf libavutil
Step 3: Install the Parrot SDK
Run these commands in terminal in order one at a time, note that this will download the SDK and compile it into whatever current directory/folder you are in. You might want to create a Bebop2 folder and run these commands from there first.
repo init -u https://github.com/Parrot-Developers/arsdk_manifests.git -b refs/tags/ARSDK3_version_3_9_0 -m release.xml
repo sync
./build.sh -p arsdk-native -t build-sdk -j
This will take a few minutes, if all went well you should get this final message:
[I] Finished task 'build-sdk'
You should now be able to follow the rest of the steps starting at “Download the application note” here: http://developer.parrot.com/blog/2016/play-bebop-stream-on-vlc/
Good luck!